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The Review of Business and Economic Literature (ReBEL) is an internationally peer reviewed scholarly journal published quarterly by the Faculty of Economics and Business of KU Leuven. ReBEL’s articles seek to synthesize recent academic developments in business and economics that are relevant to both academics and professionals. ReBEL’s goal is to give its readers a clear insight in all academic developments related to business and economics. As such ReBEL is an invaluable instrument for each academic, researcher or professional active in the vast range of areas in business and economics.
The ranges of literature topics that ReBEL’s editors consider as potential publication opportunities are listed below.
Potential authors are invited to submit their articles online via www.editorialmanager.com/rebel.
For Economics:
Economic Growth and Development, Economics of Organizations and Industries, Econometrics, Economic Policy, Economic
The Review of Business and Economic Literature (ReBEL) is an internationally peer reviewed scholarly journal published quarterly by the Faculty of Economics and Business of KU Leuven. ReBEL’s articles seek to synthesize recent academic developments in business and economics that are relevant to both academics and professionals. ReBEL’s goal is to give its readers a clear insight in all academic developments related to business and economics. As such ReBEL is an invaluable instrument for each academic, researcher or professional active in the vast range of areas in business and economics.
The ranges of literature topics that ReBEL’s editors consider as potential publication opportunities are listed below.
Potential authors are invited to submit their articles online via www.editorialmanager.com/rebel.
For Economics:
Economic Growth and Development, Economics of Organizations and Industries, Econometrics, Economic Policy, Economic